Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Instagram Life

There was a major lack in outfit posts in Instagram last week.  This continuous cold weather left me feeling very uncreative.

Here are a few snapshots from Instagram last week.

photo 1

Express scarf & striped dress//GAP cardigan (old)

photo 2

I was tagged on Instagram by the lovely @islandandlily for #widn (what I'm doing now).  This was snapshot of my desk while attempting to get through the last 1/2 hour of my 9-5 (but really on Pinterest).

p.s. check out Isla & Lily on Etsy.  She makes awesome baby items!!

photo 4

GAP sweater and necklace via online Facebook shop.  [feeling minty fresh]

photo 3

lastly, hubs and I celebrated 6 months of marriage! Love that man <3


Happy Tuesday!!

xo, ash



  1. I love a touch of leopard print with stripes!! I need to get my hands on a leopard print scarf! Happy Tuesday!
    XXOO Lucy

  2. leopard goes with everything, in my book at least ;) Here's the link to my leopard scarf and it's on sale!

    xo, ash
