Hey ya'll! It's been awhile. :(
Sparkle & Soul has just made the change from WordPress to Blogger. Yayy! I feel Blogger is more user friendly and connected to all my other Google products I already use.
Over the next few weeks and months I would like to acquire my own domain name so I can drop that pesky "blogspot" along with updating the site's layout. Something new & fresh.
I haven't posted since November, crazy I know. I fell in a rut and I'm not sure I'm out of it but I am ready to come back. I love writing here, even if I'm not the best and I also love all my followers on this blog, Instagram & Facebook. No doubt that social media is a lot easier to keep up with (go check me on Insta' to see what I've been up to) than the blog but I feel like I'm letting readers down by not posting and I don't want to do that.
My rut stems from not being able to find a way to produce usable and fresh content. I follow A LOT of other blogs that I love, don't get me wrong, but one thing that kinda drives me nuts is a lot of content is the same especially at certain times (holidays, new year, sale times). I know as a reader I don't want to go to ten blogs and see pretty much the same content.
So my goal other than to get this blog looking much better is to bring you the best & freshest content I can! That may mean I don't post daily or even weekly (although my goal is at least once a week) but I hope you stick with me and enjoy!
Talk soon guys!
xo ♥ Ash