The Liebster award is given by fellow bloggers to new blogs with smaller followings but huge potential; it is a great way to find new blogs as well as support one another.

I was shocked and honored to be nominated by Juliet over at Jules, Truly! Thank you so much!!
The rules of the Liebster award are as follows:
>Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog
>Answer the eleven questions they asked
>Nominate eleven other bloggers with a smaller following but a lot of potential
>Create eleven of your own questions for them to answer
>Notify your nominees
Here are my answers to Juliet's questions:
1. Why did you start a blog?
I wanted a place to share my love of fashion and all things beautiful with others who enjoyed the same.
2. Favorite place ever visited and why?
Sadly, I haven't done too much traveling, something I hope to change. Of the places I've gone by favorite would have to be Vegas!
There is always something to do or see and the weather doesn't hurt.
3. What is your can't-live-without beauty item?
Toss up between blush and mascara. You can put either on and instantly feel polished without having to put a full face on.
4. Number one goal for 2014?
Can I have two? Blog and travel more =)
5. Something your readers probably don't know about you?
I'm a legal assistant by day.
6. What's the most adventurous thing you've done thus far?
I bungee jumped as a kid.
7. What would be your "dream job"?
A professional pinner ;) All jokes aside, something in the fashion or wedding industry.
8. Early bird or night owl?
Night owl.
9. Favorite pasttime?
Shopping of course followed by experiencing new places and things with my husband.
10. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be your first purchase?
oo that's a tough one. A bigger house, maybe.
11. Favorite alcoholic drink?
Vodka tonic
Fun fun!! And now my nominees:
1. Jilian of Love Hard Lift Heavy
2. Kayla of A Darling Dream
3. Nioby of The Chicest Ambry
4. Ema of Our Love in Bloom
5. Gina of Classy Ever After
6. Emily of JustJEM
7. Brittany of The Chic Magnolia
8. Ashley of Polka Dots & Sailor Stripes
9. Amelia of Bold Meets Basic
10. Stefanie of Life on the Squares
11. Madison of Madison Lane
My 11 questions to my nominees:
1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
2. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
3. Color you tend to wear the most?
4. Who is your style icon?
5. One thing that may surprise your readers?
6. Facebook or Instagram?
7. One thing your most looking forward to in 2014?
8. What are your favorite stores to shop at?
9. What is your favorite season?
10. What is the one thing you cook the best?
11. Beer or wine?
Can't wait to see all of the responses!
xo, Ash